Impression by Kevin:
The Cernum Open is becoming a pretty big tournament on the international tennis calendar.
I guess it is ranked in the top ten by now, not so much behind Wimbledon and Roland Garros.
This year we had the honour to invite 12 double teams for the tournament.
Some participants were a little more experienced than others, but all eager and ready to show off their great serve or their destroying forehand.
At some point even Mario was willing to give us a little demonstration of how to hit a homerun (although I think he mixed up some sports. But trying to be remembered …)
After some heroic battles (remember the clash between the Tordeurs and the Wijns families) in the qualifiers, 6 teams fought their way up to participate in one of the 3 grand finals.
Clearly you could feel the tension in the arena, some of them trembling of excitement (stress, stress, stress), and hoping not to miss their appointment with history.
And, the remaining of the story is history …
One day (somewhere in 2090) a little child will ask his father how the name of his grandfather ended up on that list with great champions like Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and many more … those who won the “Cernum Open”!
Results by Saskia:
Sunday 07/09/2008: we hoped it would be a beautiful day to play tennis...unfortunately it was raining cats and dogs...but that didn’t stop all the enthusiastic players (beginners and advanced) to show up and play doubles on the indoor courts. We had 4 groups with each 3 teams. After the first 2 matches, the semi-finals and finals for first, second and third place were played. Results of the finals:
Final for 3rd place:
Dave De Poorter + Anneleen De Vos
Yves De Kelper + Michael
Final for 2nd place: 
Michel Smekens + Koen De Koker
Glenn Tordeurs + Renaat Van Dorpe
Final for 1st place: 
Kevin De Cock + Lien Marien
Eric Tordeurs + Leen Tordeurs
3rd place: Yves De Kelper + Michael (6-3)
2nd place: Michel Smekens + Koen De Koker (6-4)
1st place: Kevin De Cock + Lien Marien (6-3)
Congratulations to all players!