By Thomas Louis:
I arrived at the scene at about 14.30. Few people were already there. But as we already knew, most of the people would drop by in the course of the afternoon. After solving some server issues (apparently Saskia was hosting a TrackMania server) and a lot of disconnects, we all started playing TrackMania as a preparation to the tournament of 20.00. This turned out to be a crazy race. If you took a wrong turn, you could start all over again. After 30 minutes of intense racing, we had a winner. It was Jan Verslegers who beat everyone and got away with the main prize. After some fresh heads most of us wound down playing some Fear and others with OpenArena (already as a preparation for the tournament of Sunday). EricT’s children were for sure having fun participating in most of the games and became addicted to Saskia’s laptop and ofcourse the Wii.
I think this was a great initiative and that the Second Edition will follow soon!
Impression of the LAN Party on Sunday:
I think this was a great initiative and that the Second Edition will follow soon!
By Olivier Schietecat:
Sunday's LAN-party was certainly one to remember. On arrival, I startled the bunch that had slept over at the high school. Saskia was cleaning up her professional camping material, while Michael was looking his very best. After having set up my laptop (which didn't compare to Sammy's gaming assets), we could finally begin the in-game slaughter. After Saskia went hunting for food on a late Sunday noon, we soon noticed who was going to win the OpenArena tournament: Cristian Ciuperca aka Lucifer! We exploded, got butchered, headshotted and finished gruesomely, and we enjoyed it! Afterwards, we switched to the game FEAR, which turned out to have a great 3D engine. It's safe to say we enjoyed killing eachother after all those days of peaceful cooperation.
By Sammy Dierickx:
The first Cernum LAN Party was a success! A great location, lots of PC and console games, more than enough food and drinks and a great atmosphere!
Even though I was only there on Sunday for a couple of hours I really enjoyed the games we played.
I especially enjoyed getting into close combat with my colleagues in a couple of very intense rounds of “F.EA.R. Combat”, which turned out to be a surprisingly well balanced first person shooter with great game play and a very high fun factor! I think this may be a runner-up for the next LAN Party tournament. For those of you who still believe first person shooters are a guys only thing, think again! We had a very worthy opponent in Saskia who handled her assault rifle very well and surprised me a few times with a couple of well aimed headshots and even a few frag grenades!
The fact that we got surprised by heavy snowfall and that it took me nearly four hours(!) to drive back home couldn’t really spoil the fun I had at the LAN Party.
It may have been the first, but certainly not the last one we organized (but I would prefer it to be held on a sunny day though)!
Even though I was only there on Sunday for a couple of hours I really enjoyed the games we played.
I especially enjoyed getting into close combat with my colleagues in a couple of very intense rounds of “F.EA.R. Combat”, which turned out to be a surprisingly well balanced first person shooter with great game play and a very high fun factor! I think this may be a runner-up for the next LAN Party tournament. For those of you who still believe first person shooters are a guys only thing, think again! We had a very worthy opponent in Saskia who handled her assault rifle very well and surprised me a few times with a couple of well aimed headshots and even a few frag grenades!
The fact that we got surprised by heavy snowfall and that it took me nearly four hours(!) to drive back home couldn’t really spoil the fun I had at the LAN Party.
It may have been the first, but certainly not the last one we organized (but I would prefer it to be held on a sunny day though)!
For all the pictures of the LAN Party, check out:
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